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Myro the dog: Named after Solana Co-Founder Raj
Gokal’s dog Myro.

With Myro, we have created a revolutionary digital currency that is designed for simplicity, security, and accessibility.

Our goal is to provide a seamless crypto experience for everyone. Whether you are an experienced trader or a curious beginner, Myro is here to meet your needs and assist you in exploring the world of digital currencies.
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How do I Buy and Sell $MYRO?
You can trade $MYRO on any of our listed Centralised Exchanges, or on Decentralised Exchanges like Jupiter and Raydium.
Will $MYRO list on more CEX's?
Yes. $MYRO will be listed on most major worldwide exchanges.
Is there a $MYRO whitepaper / roadmap?
Yes, you can view our whitepaper here